How does Stretch Hood offer the best waterproof protection for pallets?
It is in the rainy and humid season when the need for a pallet packaging system that provides total protection and watertightness is most evident. There are several packaging systems that offer us product protection, but why do we say that the Stretch Hood wrapper is the one that offers us the best watertightness? In this article we analyse the advantages and technical characteristics that Stretch Hood provides in terms of the waterproofing of the load.
Which problems can be caused by packaging that is not 100% waterproof?
Although some incidents are obvious, the fact that the final packaging is not totally waterproof can cause minor damage to the load which in the medium to long term can result in losses to the company. Let’s look at some of the most common problems of a packaging without total watertightness:
Case 1: Extended outdoor storage
Pallets stored outdoors without airtight packaging can be damaged over long periods. In the case of packaging with a wrapping and cover system, rain can filter through the wrapping layers which lose their elasticity over time or which have undergone a lot of climatic erosion. Also the shrink-wrapping system may present holes produced by the shrink-wrapping itself letting the load to get wet or damaged under the rain.

Case 2: Long term indoor storage
In the case of internal storage, the load is also not free from being affected by external agents such as dust and above all humidity. The moisture can seep through micro openings in the packaging, affecting the product in the medium to long term. For this reason we recommend a packaging system that provides total coverage and protection, as in the case of the Stretch Hood wrapping system.
Case 3: Transport in extreme conditions
Finally, another common situation is one that depends not so much on the manufacturer as on the route of the pallet to its destination. In this case the product can be seriously affected by extreme weather conditions such as snow, storms, etc. in which a good pallet wrapping can prevent losses and damage.
Why do we say that Stretch Hood protects more than other systems?
Below we outline the technical keys of the Stretch Hood wrapping system compared to others for waterproof protection.
1. Wrapping process: watertight and airtight
The main difference in the system lies in the Stretch Hood packaging process itself: By applying a cover that stretches and adapts to the shape of the load, the goods are completely airtight and watertight. Simply by this process Stretch Hood already provides greater protection against external agents than the wrapping system, which can leave gaps between the layers. It is also more watertight than the heat shrink system, as it may have micro perforations caused by the application of heat in the shrink.

2. Properties of Stretch Hood film: waterproofing
The second important factor of Stretch Hood system is the very characteristics of the Stretch Hood film used, with different composition and thickness properties than other types of film. Stretch hood film is a multi-layer material usually composed of:
- One or two layers of low density polyethylene, which provide the necessary film elasticity to adapt to the load.
- Additional layers that improve the film’s resistance to tearing and perforation, providing anti-breakage protection so that moisture does not seep in.
- Additional layers with additives for UV protection, anti-condensation and humidity, among other factors.
In short, a composition prepared for total waterproofing.
3. Wrapping finish: customised packaging
Finally, the Stretch Hood system also facilitates different packaging finishes that can make the load even more watertight. In this case, the Stretch Hood sheathing system from Innova can overlap the film underneath the pallet creating a perfect cohesion between the load and the pallet.
The wrapping can also be customised so that it reaches the very base of the pallet, if the storage or transport circumstances require that the base of the pallet does not get wet. In the case of constant rain, if the pallet gets wet the humidity could rise up to the load, damaging it.

In short, as we have seen, the Stretch Hood system is one of the most complete in load protection and is preferred by many companies in sectors as diverse as ceramics and construction, chemicals, food, etc. In addition to providing protection, it has been demonstrated that by using less film in the wrapping of the load, it also means considerable savings in consumables for the company.
Do not hesitate to contact us with any technical questions or information about Stretch Hood and other packaging technologies, we will be happy to assist you.